Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today we were able to narrow down our objects to post-its and nail polish. They both have some human interaction to them which is why they seem to be the most interesting.

With the post-it, we can look at the different designs/shapes/colors/ etc that they come in as well as the different categories of notes that people write on them. Depending on the person's handwriting or message we can then analyze the kind of personality of the note-taker.

With the nail-polish, there are many categories from color to packaging to kinds of nail polish (quick dry/UV change). There is also some form of human interaction because depending on the color or polish type we can look at the person's mood or other aspects of their personality. Also, we think that photographing the nail polish will be interesting for the catalog because we can take pictures of different people's hands and of the product itself. We were even thinking of making a color spectrum of the different colors we collect.

After making a small mind-map for our objects, we are probably going to move forward with the nail polish because it gives us the most categories to work with and it easily accessible to collect. The only thing that may be a challenge for us is the amount of people that would be willing to participate (meaning that they would polish their nails and be willing to be photographed). Finding the nail polish should not be a problem though because we both have a lot of them.

The next step to our project is looking at the colors that we own and find as many categories as we can. Then we will look at different ways of taking photographs; taking pictures of hands, the nail polish bottle, etc.


  1. I think the time aspect of nail polish is an interesting thing to look at. Such as how fast it wore off, why and how. I tend to imagine progressive images showing a brand new painted nail going to a nail with chipped paint on it.

    Good luck. You'll need it. :P

  2. I like the idea of the nail polish as well since there are so many different colors and chips on the nails all look different as well. It could look really nice.

  3. The notes idea seems interesting a personal look but the nail polish I think would give you a greater range and expansion.

  4. Nail polish. you could also ask people when they prefer to wear the polish or why they wear it, special occasions, moods, etc.

  5. The nail polish will be really interesting to see. Categorizing it by color, size of the bottles, and the idea of a visual collection of painted nails. Exciting! ( :

  6. the nail polish idea could be really interesting...you can take pictures of different people's hands and how different people wear polish and what color and brand it is etc.

  7. nail polish. you could also ask people when they prefer to wear the polish or why they wear it (special occasions, moods, etc.)

  8. i agree with raji. may also include each individual's interesting experience/story they've had.
